‘Ridiculous’ Inverness post office closure proposal and A96 dualling doubts
Review places A96 dualling in doubt
A new draft plan has revealed that the Scottish Government could abandon plans to fully dual the A96 between Inverness and Aberdeen. An independent review has outlined a “refined” package of eight options scored more favourably than fully dualling the road - though the dualling of the A96 between Inverness and Nairn is separate from the wider A96 review process.
“Failure to commit to A96 dualling…failure to adhere to a pledge to dual the A9. As a result, the nearest continuous dual carriageways to the Highlands are east of Inverurie and south of Dunkeld - 90 and 100 miles distant even from Inverness. Now they are proposing to impose blanket 50 mile an hour limits on single carriageway roads. And that’s only a single aspect of the single issue of transport. Does iy ever occur to you that the Highlands get a pretty raw deal from Holyrood?” - Charles Bannerman
“Charles Bannerman, we’re only good for wind farms, battery storage facilities and hydro lochs it would seem.” - Kim Corbett
The A96 must be dualled in full as promised. No ifs, no buts.” - Paul Donaldson
“One of the only reasons that the Inverness to Nairn section looks like it may happen at all is that Fergus Ewing has been prepared to fight publicly for it.” - Iain Lax
“It's not the roads that cause all the problems on the A96, it's careless drivers with no thought for others. Sadly people lost their lives. ” - Joyce Rensley
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Post office ‘doesn’t care about customers’
Closing the main post office in a city centre ?!?
What a ridiculous proposal !
What about locals and visitors to Inverness city centre that need to use the service? Not everyone drives and given the state of our local business service this proposal will make accessing postal services almost impossible.
The sorting office on Seafield Road is only open two hours each day should locals need to collect a parcel or tracked mail, it's an appalling service quite frankly.
I'm not hopeful that plans to close will be avoided as it appears this service doesn't care about the folks that use it.
Thanks to you for asking for opinions however - highlighting the situation may be enough to generate a reconsidering the plan.
Alison Cummings
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