Highland primary school makes positive improvements according to Education Scotland inspectors
A primary school and nursery near Beauly has made encouraging improvements in a number of areas according to inspectors.
Teanassie Primary School and Nursery, situated between Beauly and Cannich, was visited by inspectors from Education Scotland in March last year.
While they found a number of positives at that time, including children who were proud of their school and good relationships between staff, children and families, they also identified a range of areas staff had to work on.
A letter now published after a follow-up visit in June has indicated that progress has been made.
Inspectors said: “The headteacher and staff team across the school and nursery have made positive progress in improving the overall quality of learning and teaching.
“Staff have engaged with range of professional learning this session. As a result, they now have a better understanding of the key features of high-quality learning and teaching.
“The headteacher has introduced robust measures to monitor and improve learning and teaching. These measures are having a positive impact and as a result, learning and teaching has improved across the school.”
And they added: “Across the nursery and school there is a calm and purposeful learning environment.
“Most children are actively engaged in their learning and are keen to contribute their ideas and opinions.
“They work individually, in pairs and in group activities, supporting each other well during collaborative tasks. Children are now ready to have a greater role in leading their own learning.”
A new, more consistent approach to planning was also noted along with the introduction of more detailed targets “supporting individual children’s understanding of their targets and what they need to do to achieve them.”
Improvements were noted specifically in literacy and numeracy attainment as it was specifically noted that children with additional support needs were making good progress.
Inspectors added: “Attainment in writing remains a priority for improvement.
“As planned the headteacher and staff should now work together to develop a strategy to raise attainment in writing.”
Teanassie Primary has three composite classes, with 43 pupils in total, along with seven three and four year olds in the nursery.
Education Scotland will ask for a report on progress within the next year with this then informing any decision about further engagement, which could include another inspection visit.
The full letter published after the June inspection, along with further supporting evidence and details of the 2023 inspection, can be found here.