POLL: Should brown bin charges in the Highlands be scrapped?
A petition has been launched to urge the Scottish Government to scrap brown bin charges, over and above council tax, in all Scottish local authorities.
Campaigner Yvonne Irving thinks the charges are counter productive when more people are being encouraged to recycle garden waste.
What do you think? Tell us your opinion in our poll below.
Read more about the petition launched to the Scottish Parliament here.
Should people who use the brown bin service be forced to pay an extra charge to use the service. Or should the cost of providing the service to Highland residents be met by those who use it.
Last week Highland councillors raised the annual charge to householders by three per cent, £1.35 per year, to £46.35 for each brown bin they have.
Tell us what you think in our poll below.
Should brown bin charges be scrapped?
Yes, brown bin charges should be scrapped.
No, people who use brown bins should pay to have them collected.
Read the story about Mrs Irving's petition by clicking here.