PICTURES: Vehicle removed from crash site in Beauly after ploughing into the former Co-op earlier today – landlord says 'if it had been a day or so later, the shop would have had people in it'
A oil tanker that earlier today crashed into a former supermarket has been removed.
The J Johnston oils tanker ploughed into the former Co-op on Beauly's High Street at 11.45am this morning, Thursday.
It was removed this evening by 7pm by Inverness company Chisholm's.
Reporter, Ian Duncan, who was on the scene, said: "An urban search and rescue team from the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service used supports on the damaged building so the vehicle could be removed.
"The props are in place to support the building and stop it collapsing.
"The air was let out of front tyres to make it easier to remove the vehicle.
"A large crowd of onlookers gathered to watch proceedings. There is a reduced number of emergency services at the scene.
"The vehicle was removed by a recovery vehicle from Inverness-based Chisholm recovery specialists by 7pm."
Nawaz Haq, who is the landlord property, said he hoped that the men hurt in the crash would recover quickly from their injuries.
He said: "People first, and I am mindful that two men have been injured
"Due to long legal negotiations the building was not brought back into use after the Co-op left, and it was only this week that we were meant to be back in the building. I was in the process of handing over keys to a local man earlier today.
"I am mindful that if the unit had been open, say as a café, or if anyone had been in the building that this would have been a much sadder day, that said, my thoughts are still with those who are injured. "
"I have been in touch with the owners of the tanker and we have exchanged details."
WATCH: Video footage from the scene of where a truck crashed into shops and houses in Beauly Square