Vet speak: Pet insurance allows you to focus on what is important at testing times
Vet Alison Laurie-Chalmers on how insurance can put your mind at rest.
We are the proud owners of lovely Fern, and also now her new pal Moss, alias Captain Chaos – a six-month-old border collie.
One of the first things that we did for our dogs was to make sure that they had good, adequate, “covered for life” pet insurance.
Moss is a typical pup, banging into everything in his path and chewing everything in sight. Thankfully, he hasn’t had any mishaps so far!
Like us when you bring a pet into your home, there are many decisions you need to make. You want to make sure that your pets are well looked after and are kept in good health. What happens though if your pet becomes sick or is involved in an accident and needs emergency veterinary care?
Of course, you’d want your pet to have the best care possible, but this could leave you with an expensive bill. This is the type of scenario where pet owners are relieved that they do have adequate pet insurance, giving them reassurance and the financial ability to pay any unexpected bills.
Pet insurance can provide you with the peace of mind and confidence to make the best healthcare decisions for your pet. By providing you with some protection from the financial strain of unexpected medical costs, pet insurance gives you the ability to focus on what is important, being there for your pet, when your pet needs you the most.
We all hope our pets will live long and healthy lives. Yet the reality is, unexpected accidents and illnesses do happen.
Ongoing veterinary medications can cost pet owners hundreds of pounds per month and any surgeries can cost thousands. If your pet is not insured you will not have a financial safety net.
Sadly, some owners may find themselves facing the agonising decision to euthanase a beloved pet because they cannot afford the advised treatment, and no pet owner should have to face such a horrendous experience and decision.
Pet insurance is designed to help cover the cost of veterinary bills should an animal require any treatment for accident and emergency, and for ongoing medical treatments for any chronic disease.
There is not a National Health Service for animals, so any treatment an animal receives at their private veterinary practice will always incur a cost to the owner. When the illnesses become more serious, or when emergency surgery or treatment is required, these costs can add up.
Benefits that may be covered by insurance are:
• Third party liability cover if your pet injures someone or damages someone else’s property
• Paying out the price that you paid for your pet if they become lost or stolen, or die as a result of illness or injury
• Paying out the costs of looking after your pet if you have to go into hospital for emergency treatment
• Paying out for the cost of your holiday if it is cancelled due to your pet needing emergency treatment during the dates you were due to be on holiday
• Paying out for the costs of treatments if you take your pet on holiday abroad and your pet requires emergency treatment.
Pet insurance policies can get a little complicated, so to clarify, the four main types of policy are: accident only; time-limited; maximum benefit; lifetime/covered for life.
Insurance monthly premiums can rise as your pet gets older and if there have been ongoing medical conditions noted. But it is not advised that you change your insurance provider.
It is advised to take out insurance for your pet at the youngest possible age, when it is most likely to be at its healthiest.
• Alison Laurie-Chalmers is a senior consultant at Crown Vets in Inverness.