Labour MSP David Stewart questions process for NHS Highland bullying and harassment cases
Highlands and Islands Labour MSP David Stewart has questioned the Health Secretary about the process for NHS Highland to deal with bullying and harassment cases.
Mr Stewart is pressing the health authority to ensure there is one point of contact for people with complaints of how they were previously treated at their work.
At Holyrood today he said it was “crucial” that there was one point of contact for those who have come forward as a result of QC John Sturrock's review into bullying at the health board.
"The health authority told me this week that the process for looking at cases should be approved at its November board meeting and that should be fully publicised for people to get in touch through the correct channel," he said.
"I should hear from the chief executive at the end of November or early December what that process is, so I can share it with constituents.
"It is very important that there is independent scrutiny of the scheme to ensure fairness to those who are already traumatised by what they experienced.
"Many people feel their voices are still not being heard after such a long time and I totally understand people’s frustration and anxiety over this."
Health Secretary Jeane Freeman said she agreed with Mr Stewart that having one point of contact for those coming forward as a result of the Sturrock review would be useful.
She said it was important that all staff knew who the single point of contact was and that there would shortly be non-executive whistle blowing champions on all health boards, appointed by and directly accountable to her.