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Inverness charity to sell affordable outdoor gear to create new revenue stream

Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.
Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.

Àban, a charity based in Merkinch, has come up with a creative way to raise funds to provide free outdoor activities for young people and also help others get involved in outdoor activities at a low cost.

With outdoor activities often being inaccessible to people due to the high costs of kit, Àban wanted to change that narrative, so, it is taking donations of unwanted outdoor gear which it will then sell online at a discounted price. Every single penny will then be reinvested back into the social enterprise.

Àban’s business manager, Calum Smith said: “It can be expensive for people to begin doing outdoor activities, and that can put them off.

“We want to open that up, and create opportunities for people to get outdoors. We will be selling good-to-use equipment for an affordable price so that people can get outside and enjoy doing something new.”

Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.
Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.

Àban will sell the goods online so that more people have an opportunity to access kit. The new revenue stream will then go back into supporting holiday camps, climb camps, girls bike clubs, mountaineering and supporting Duke of Edinburgh activities.

Mr Smith added: “If people wish to donate kit, then please feel free to come by our office at Merkinch and you can find out more about we do.

“If you can’t pop past then please get in touch with us.”

Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.
Àban provides free outdoor activities for young people in Inverness.

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