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Highland Council issues recycling advice ahead of Christmas and New Year

Blue recycling bins.
Blue recycling bins.

Highland Council is reminding householders and businesses to have a green Christmas by preventing unnecessary waste.

The local authority says Christmas is often a time of excess waste, particularly when it comes to food, and says that throwing away good food costs the average Scottish household £460 per year.

For unavoidable food waste such as turkey bones, fruit and vegetable peelings, tea bags and coffee grinds, Inverness residents are being reminded to make maximum use of their food waste collection service.

Christmas collection information.
Christmas collection information.

Carron McDiarmid, executive chief officer customer and communities, said: "We find that a lot more rubbish is generated by householders and businesses around Christmas time so it's an important time to think about how we can make more sustainable choices.

"Gifting time, experiences or memberships rather than 'stuff' is a great way to have a zero waste Christmas, or simply choosing gifts that are packaged and wrapped in recyclable materials.

"Consider looking in charity shops where you might just find the perfect pre-loved present and remember you can donate any unwanted gifts after Christmas.

"Last year, around 43 per cent of the 143,000 tonnes of waste generated in Highland was recycled. However, we could be diverting more waste from landfill so we are encouraging everyone to do their bit and use their blue recycling bins as much as possible over the Christmas period."

Glass bottles can be recycled at local bottle banks or recycling centre which will also accept real Christmas trees for composting.

Christmas cards, paper wrapping paper, paper packaging, cardboard, food tins, drinks cans, envelopes, food and drink cartons, aerosols and clean plastic bottles, pots, tubs and trays can all be recycled in blue bins.

Recycling Centres are open throughout the Christmas period except Christmas Day, Boxing Day and January 1 and 2.

Boxing Day refuse and recycling collections remain the same this year.

Visit www.highland.gov.uk/recycle to check local Christmas and New Year bin collection days, for further information about recycling in the Highlands, details of Recycling Centre opening hours and for the full range of materials accepted.

Visit www.lovefoodhatewaste.com for tips on saving money, preventing waste and using up Christmas leftovers.

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