Interest shown in taking over Hilton Post Office in Inverness
While Hilton Post Office in Inverness remains closed there has been some interest from people hoping to take over running the business.
The shop in Tomatin Road, Inverness has been closed since earlier this month due to what a Post Office spokesman would only refer to as "unforeseen circumstances".
Today he said there had been some expressions of interest in response to an advert aimed at finding another local retailer interested in running the business.
These were being followed up locally he said.
"It is temporarily closed and we will be working to get it reopened as quickly as possible," he said.
"We understand and appreciate how much communities rely on our services and we sincerely apologise to customers for any inconvenience caused by the temporary closure of Hilton Post Office.
"Unfortunately, from time to time, Post Office branches do temporarily close for reasons beyond our control.
"We would like to reassure customers that we are committed to providing Post Office services in the area."