Inside Holyrood: The last year has been trying for a great many of us and we still feel the strain but we shouldn’t forget that this pandemic will pass
I was delighted to note the success of the Inverness-based Haven Centre, which will be Scotland’s first multi-purpose centre for children and young adults with severe, profound and multiple learning disabilities and complex needs.
Having now raised all the funds for the project’s build, including an investment of £1.38 million from the Scottish Government, the construction of the centre has now passed through the tender process and I am delighted to see that a successful contractor has now been put in place – putting the Haven Centre another step forward towards opening its doors to children and young adults who require its services.
The contractor has now started the site establishment with the construction of the Haven Centre due to start in January 2022.
As the local MSP, I am delighted to see the project moving forward and am very much look forward to seeing it open its doors to families throughout the Highlands.
My best wishes go to all involved in the Elsie Normington Foundation, who are spearheading these plans.
A new scheme to provide survivors of historical child abuse in care with financial redress has opened for applications. Those eligible can apply to request an apology and redress payments ranging from £10,000 to £100,000.
Across the parliament we have been in collective agreement that these payments must come forth to confront the scale and horror of the abuse Scotland’s most vulnerable children have suffered.
While we, of course, cannot make up for the abuse suffered, or take away the devastating impact it has had on people’s lives, we can provide acknowledgement of the harm caused to them in the past.
Any constituent who may require further information on this and how they can make a claim can, of course, contact me and I will be happy to ensure further information and support is passed on to them.
The last year has been trying for a great many of us.
I know months on, we still feel the strain of this virus within our communities. However, we shouldn’t forget that this pandemic will pass.
It won’t be around forever and one day, hopefully in the near future, we will be able to look back on these times rather than living through them.
Myself and my constituency team – Rebecca, Rosie and Danielle – would like to wish you and yours a very happy and peaceful Christmas.
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