Highland nurse dances her stress away during coronavirus pandemic
A nurse is practising dance moves in a bid to de-stress following shifts at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.
Faye Ferguson is taking part in this year’s Strictly Inverness competition in aid of Highland Hospice and the Inverness Ice Centre.
The dance competition was due to take place next month but has been postponed until October due to the coronavirus pandemic.
She is delighted the event was not cancelled and said technology was helping her to stay in touch with other dancers.
“It keeps us going, especially with the difficult times ahead,” she said.
“It’s really good to come home and have a wee dance. It helps me de-stress.”
Measures to contain the virus have derailed fundraising plans for several dancers but thanks to her friends, Mrs Ferguson is still managing to collect cash.
While the 42-year-old has been busy, her former Raigmore Hospital colleague Ann Harrison shaved off her hair on Saturday to generate more than £900 for the cause.
Ms Harrison (64), from the Black Isle, said: “It should have taken place during a ladies’ day event. However, as this was cancelled and we are now forced to be at home, I had my husband shave my head!
“This is such an important cause and I really wanted to help Faye. Myself, my daughter and my mother have all suffered from cancer – sadly my mother didn’t make it. I also used to work at the hospice in the ‘90s, so it’s a cause close to my heart.”
It moves Mrs Ferguson, from Dingwall, closer to her target of £7000. She has raised more than £6000 so far via supermarket collections, a race night and a raffle.
“I just wanted to give something back to the hospice, which is such an amazing charity,” she said. “I had family and friends that used the hospice and they were absolutely great.
“My colleagues and family have been incredibly supportive and I am very thankful to all of them.
“I just want to make as much money as I can and make my friends and family proud.
“It gives me the shivers to think of myself in front of so many people dancing, but I can’t wait for the moment to arrive. Hopefully, we will be professional dancers by the time of the show.”
Strictly Inverness will take place at the ice centre from October 21-24.
To donate, visit www.justgiving.com/fundraising/faye-ferguson