Highland tourist tax idea divides opinion
Demonstration demands council thinks again over visitor levy
Inverness saw a protest against Highland Council’s proposed visitor levy last week, with many businesses concerned about the potential impact on visitor numbers and spend.
“My problem with this proposed levy is that Highland Council would be in charge of the money raised - and that is only marginally better than if the Scottish Government was. For me to even consider supporting it, I would need to see a cast iron guarantee in place that the funds would be ring fenced for use in the areas which raised them - and for projects other than things for which the council are already responsible. Ideally, the fund would be managed by some sort of board of trustees.” - Mark Lawless
“Mark Lawless, the council will be ringing fencing the funds so it doesn’t disappear into general taxation. What the money raised will be utilised for is a good question and one that needs to be ironed out. All lot of lobbying is going on from all across the sector that would like to see a slice of the pie.” - Ryan Mackintosh
“No problem with a levy if it's being used for improvements, but why are camper vans allowed to park all over the city for free when they are emptying waste water, filling bins and contributing hee-haw to the local economy?” - Eric Draven
“On the basis that very many people in the Highlands don’t benefit from tourism and indeed can be inconvenienced by it (for instance residents right round the North Coast 500), I think a tourist tax channeling funds into normal council revenues would be a good idea by way of compensation. Those opposing the levy do so on the basis that increased cost might reduce demand, but they need to understand that they live in the real economic world and can’t expect a free ride, subsidised by the non-tourism sector.” - Charles Bannerman
“The greedy tax on people who want to visit.” - Robert Macdonald
“All of Europe that apply a tourist levy also have a tourist VAT that is 50 per cent less than in Scotland. Only Denmark doesn't reduce the VAT rate on tourism but it doesn't have a tourist levy.” - Kyle Sterry
“It's a good idea so we can upgrade the infrastructure.” - Russell Deacon
“Absolutely in favour of it, providing it’s spent on much-needed improvements to infrastructure.” - Margaret Kirk
“Do folk commenting on here not realise that the levy is for ANY overnight stay in the Highland area, for example if you need to stay for a hospital appointment, if you have to visit other areas for your work and are required to stay? It’s not just tourists from abroad, this will affect everyone who stays overnight in accommodation in the council area. Camper vans/ wild camping have been made exempt from this and were offered a ‘voluntary’ permit to visit various sites which is paid for. If they stay on camp sites they pay the levy but if not utilising them they can park up for free wherever they have been doing, so no resolve for that issue. The council have said that monies raised will be used for implementing and maintaining the system, so Lord knows how long it’ll take for any so-called improvements to happen. It’s just not fit for purpose.” - Susan Macdonald-Kennedy
“You pay tourist tax/levy, whatever other name you want to call it, elsewhere, so why not here? Fed up paying for tourist use of bins and ditching rubbish. You can't eat out in the summer the place is that rammed with tourists. However it's so different when the local restaurants all want your business again. By all means cap it for long stayers, should be the only concession.” - Roy Giovanni
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