Deadline looms for Ness running festival
THERE is a limited number of places left for the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon and Festival of Running, but anyone hoping to qualify had better get their skates on as the entry deadline for this year’s event is closing soon.
Runners planning to tackle the Loch Ness Marathon, River Ness 10k and 5k have only until September 4 to sign up. At this late stage, places are available only to charity, club and overseas runners.
Thousands of runners have already registered to take part in the popular Highland event on September 24, with much of the route wending its way alongside the south shore of Loch Ness through one of the most incredible landscapes in the country.
Known as one of the most scenic marathons in the UK, the 26.2-mile route has attracted runners from across the globe – with many more expected to sign up in the coming days.
Alongside the marathon and the River Ness 10k and 5k races, a 10k Corporate Challenge for teams of four to six and the Wee Nessie run for pre-school children round out the packed race-day programme.
Race director Malcolm Sutherland said: "We would encourage anyone considering entering to get their registration in sooner rather than later to avoid disappointment. The marathon route takes in some of Scotland’s most breath-taking views and we wouldn’t want anyone to miss the opportunity to experience this for themselves.
"Hundreds of our runners are participating for charity, and we are incredibly proud of the work they do for our official charity partner Macmillan Cancer Support and for many other charities and good causes across the country.
"We are very much looking forward to welcoming runners from around the world to the Highlands on September 24 to experience everything we have to offer."
The finish line is based around the Event Village at the Bught Park in Inverness, where runners and spectators can enjoy the Baxters Food and Drink Fair, a sports expo, live music and activities for children.
Entries for charity, club and overseas runners in the Loch Ness Marathon remains open until midnight on September 4 at, and this is also the closing date for 10k and 5k. The event is active on Facebook at and on Twitter @nessmarathon – use the hashtag #RunLochNess.
As if the wonderful scenery to dull the pain was not enough, all finishers receive a medal, technical T-shirt, goody bag, post-race food and a download-able finisher’s certificate.
There are Highland Spring water stations and Clif Bar feed stations along the route and at the finish, and coach transport to the marathon start near Whitebridge, and baggage transfer from start to finish.
To round off the day runners can unwind at the festival on the Bught Park before hitting the bars and restaurants in town.