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Call to reclaim contents of Viewfield Stables in Nairn

Viewfield Stables are set to be cleared out to allow for repair works.
Viewfield Stables are set to be cleared out to allow for repair works.

A clear-out of a Nairn stable is set to take place, ahead of property repairs being carried out.

Viewfield Stables in Nairn is a Common Good asset which has been used by the local community for years.

Ahead of the planned clear-out Highland Council is urging all individuals, businesses and local groups who believe they may own items stored there to come forward and claim their property before Friday.

A council spokesperson said: “The Common Good Fund is aware that this property has had many uses throughout the last number of years and has increasingly become a general storage area for the council itself, local businesses and community groups. An inventory of items was recently compiled to help determine ownership, but little of value was noted.

“Ownership will need to be established initially by contacting the Nairn Common Good Officer by email at common.good@highland.gov.uk after which a suitable time for collection will be agreed.”

Any item left unclaimed after Friday will be disposed of “responsibly”.

Local charities seeking to make use of any items recovered will be offered the opportunity to collect them and the process of emptying the contents will be subject to oversight by the common good officer.

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