FRASER - Lesley, Paul, Stuart and Sarah would like to say how truly grateful they are for all the care, support and love from the wider family, close friends and so many in the community in Beauly and beyond, at the time of Steve's death. The many cards, letters, flowers, gifts and visits were a huge comfort. We will be eternally grateful for the help and treatment Steve received from medical personnel during his last short illness, especially the fantastic compassionate care of the staff at the Medical High Dependency Unit, Raigmore Hospital. Thank you also to Allan J. Dunbar for his wonderful grasp of Steve's character, which coupled with the smooth arrangements by Bill, Martin and all staff at William T. Fraser and Son, enabled a real celebration of Steve's life. Thanks also to everyone who donated to the Highland Hospice and Medical HDU, £1,359 to date. Many thanks to Stuart, Kenny and all the staff at the Priory Hotel, Beauly, for their refreshments after the funeral, which ensured that family and friends could continue to remember Steve and continue to share so many stories. 'A life well loved and well lived'