12 March 2020
The organisers of VisitScotland Expo 2020, a major showcase of the Scottish tourist industry, have announced that the event has been cancelled.
12 March 2020
Loganair, which operates flights out of Inverness Airport, has announced a reduction in flights due to the impact of coronavirus.
11 March 2020
A 42-year-old Inverness man whose life was saved by both his wife and a complete stranger has spoken of his gratitude ahead of World Kidney Day.
11 March 2020
THE Highlands is still awaiting its first official coronavirus case after the number of positive tests in Scotland increased to 36.
11 March 2020
A charity that feared it would have to scale back services for people in need in the Highlands has been given a reprieve.
11 March 2020
Inverness College UHI is closely monitoring the coronavirus outbreak in the UK and preparing for all eventualities.
11 March 2020
A CULLODEN resident is kicking up a stink about a thoughtless dog walker who is letting their pet soil a neighbourhood lawn.
11 March 2020
A CONFERENCE in Inverness designed to encourage women to pursue careers in engineering, science and technology has been postponed due to coronavirus.
10 March 2020
Highlands and Islands MSP David Stewart put a question about the coronavirus direct to SNP health secretary Jeane Freeman at Holyrood today.
10 March 2020
THE Highlands is still awaiting its first known coronavirus case after the number of positive tests in Scotland increased to 27.
09 March 2020
THE number of Scottish cases of coronavirus has risen to 23 after five more people were diagnosed in the past 24 hours.
09 March 2020
A third ward at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness has reopened to admissions and visitors after being closed for more than two weeks due to norovirus.
07 March 2020
A SERIES of challenges at an Inverness gym helped to raise £2780 in memory of a researcher who died from the cancer she was studying.
07 March 2020
VISITOR numbers to Inverness could be down this summer if coronavirus hits the cruise ship trade.
07 March 2020
A FOURTH coronavirus case has been detected in Grampian after the number of positive tests in Scotland increased by almost 50 per cent.
06 March 2020
An Inverness hospital ward remains closed to new patients and visitors due to norovirus.
06 March 2020
Coffee shop chain Starbucks in Inverness has stopped customers using their own reuseable cups for fear of passing on coronavirus.
06 March 2020
A THIRD coronavirus case has been detected in Grampian after the number of positive tests in Scotland almost doubled in a day.
05 March 2020
CHIEF Medical Officer for Scotland Dr Catherine Calderwood has confirmed a further three patients in Scotland have tested positive for COVID-19.
04 March 2020
High Life Highland is to set up a special group to monitor coronavirus situation