Four councillors block egg and nest removal, preferring a ‘do not feed the gulls’ campaign - final decision due on Monday.
The ‘significant burden’ of loan charges consumes 43% of the budget while 31% goes on repairs and maintenance.
Ruth Fry takes up £109k chief officer job while Paul Reid takes on fleet and facilities
He says ‘there were zero unpleasant side effects beyond, perhaps, my evening whisky carrying a little more potency than normal’.
The group Living Rent says ‘addressing housing inequality takes priority over expanding an already booming tourist sector’.
It comes amid misinformation claims that the law compels its introduction when it does not.
The ‘cowboy style’ operation was slammed as a Highland Councillor suspects that the ‘business model relies upon this income’.
The rises of 19 per cent and 28 per cent come after Chief Superintendent Rob Shepherd warned “something has to give”.
Chief Superintendent Robert Shepherd says the numbers are of ‘significant concern’
The move will see almost all areas of the region receive new or expanded sites.
Key to the approach is working the Merseyside officers to tackle those dealing in the north.
It is considered one of the worst examples in Scotland of a patient fit to go home but cannot because of a lack of care.
Councillor Michael Gregson says ‘they are letting down the staff, the pupils, the parents and the people of the Highlands’
It is hoped if the deal goes through it could cut the £25 million school transport bill and boost public transport.
But the council insists that ‘all solar PV systems installed across its estate were fully operational from their respective installation dates’.
MSP Edward Mountain says ‘the situation in Highland schools is at breaking point’.
That works out at an average of £372.84 more a year while the council claims the impact on tenants will be ‘minimal’
Labour MSP Rhoda Grant was told £200m to be spent on the issue and there are weekly meetings looking at the crisis.
NHS Highland says it cannot invest in a new site because of the Scottish Government funding freeze after two practices closed to new patients.
The ‘deeply alarming’ new figures show more than 54 per cent of pupils missed 10-20 per cent of the school year.