She says ‘I’ll Race for Life in my grandparents’ memory but also to help people who are going through cancer right now’.
Spokeswoman Lisa Adams says ‘Race for Life has the power not only to transform lives, but to save them’.
Finlay smashed his original £1000 target after walking a mile everyday last month as part of the RNLI Mayday Mile challenge.
The charity is expecting to ‘welcome more zipliners, along with our catapult participants’ today as well.
There were plenty of hardy fundraisers for one of the north’s most deserving charities willing to brave the 160ft elasticated drop.
The former First Minister was staking his party’s claim with Alba’s Highland manifesto targeting housing, jobs, and independence.
Organiser Dougie Brown says it is more than about the music but ‘a celebration of all that is great about Scotland and the Highlands.’
From 7am to 1pm Cancer Research UK will be staging the 5k Inverness Race For Life.
She was asked if the Scottish Government can complete at least the Nairn Bypass by the original A96 dualling deadline.
He warns the Scottish Government to deliver a timeline for the work by the end of the year saying ‘I know what I have got to do’.
Alex Salmond alongside Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross candidate Steve Chisholm aim win the party’s first seat at an election win.
Fiona Hyslop says the latest development ‘underlines our commitment to making improvements along the A96’.
Transport secretary Fiona Hyslop revealed the development before The Inverness Courier’s Build the Bypass event in Nairn this evening.
CEO Colin Marr says ‘we’ll be concentrating on what the candidates can do to help businesses in our region flourish’.
Speaking about the former First Minister, Ms Hansler says ‘she doesn’t care – she simply doesn’t care. They have got blood on their hands’.
Fergus Ewing asked her: ‘surely, many people are right to say the A9 just wasn’t the top priority for the Scottish Government’.
Deputy First Minister Kate Forbes says she is “delighted that the energy minister has committed to adapting the regulations’.
Ross Morrison says ‘if we don’t get the season ticket money then we cannot pay the wages… then the club goes bust.’
Ross Morrison says ‘I can understand the fans feelings’ as he speaks out for the first time since a fans revolt over moving training to Fife.
The loss of Highland Council as a tenant costs the fund in excess of £310,000 a year.