That works out at an average of £372.84 more a year while the council claims the impact on tenants will be ‘minimal’
Labour MSP Rhoda Grant was told £200m to be spent on the issue and there are weekly meetings looking at the crisis.
NHS Highland says it cannot invest in a new site because of the Scottish Government funding freeze after two practices closed to new patients.
The ‘deeply alarming’ new figures show more than 54 per cent of pupils missed 10-20 per cent of the school year.
The Scottish Human Rights Commission found ‘not a single human right’ is met in the region ‘under international law’.
Fergus Ewing warns ‘never make the same mistake twice when you can make it five or six times and be sure’.
The march through the city was launched after a meeting between hospitality businesses and the council at Eden Court.
Business leader Colin Marr says ‘I can't think of another tax which has taxes on top of it’.
Cllr Sean Kennedy says ‘you end up feeling you have been conned’.
He will also call for the Nairn bypass with the A9 dualling to expedite both projects.
SNP MSP Fergus Ewing hits out, claiming the Transport Scotland report is ‘no more than a sham’.
The position has been empty since Highland Council sent the previous incumbent in to lead Fortrose Academy.
In a Holyrood speech the veteran MSP calls for an ‘entirely new approach’
The grand opening is on Saturday marking the culmination of efforts that go back to 2021.
Laura Hansler says ‘it’s just beyond disgusting’ before adding ‘this has given the public no assurances, no reassurances’.
The work is due to start on January 20 and last for up to three weeks.
The charity is encouraging the public to reach out and connect with those they care about at the event.
Ryan Finlay from Huyton near Liverpool pleaded guilty to being ‘concerned in the supply of cocaine and cannabis possession’.
The professional strongman from Invergordon revealed that he was one of the men wearing a mask in episode 6.
The association fears it will be ‘an extra tax on visitors and locals’ while evidence from abroad argues it will not put tourists off visiting.