MSP John Finnie has called for moves to protect rural communities from a potential influx of tourists over the Easter weekend.
Chancellor Rishi Sunak has promised £750 million of funding for the charity sector across the UK during the coronavirus outbreak.
A total of 16 people have died of coronavirus in the NHS Highland area, according to new data from the National Records of Scotland.
A pregnant woman who recently recovered from coronavirus claims she is being forced to go through an unassisted birth at home.
Chief scientific adviser Sir Patrick Vallance says figures indicate the lockdown and social distancing measures appear to be taking effect.
Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab has described Prime Minister Boris Johnson as a fighter.
Scotland is “willing you on Boris, get well soon” according to First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.
Downing Street said in a statement that his condition had 'worsened' but that he is receiving 'excellent care'
Foreign Minister Dominic Raab has revealed tens of thousands of British nationals have been repatriated.
Dr Iain Kennedy said Dr Smith 'cares deeply about patients and our NHS'
Nicola Sturgeon confirmed the trend over the past 10 days is of a 'rapid increase' in Covid-19 cases
Dr Catherine Calderwood did apologise for her 'mistakes' but following a conversation with the First Minister chose to resign
Businesses and the public in Scotland are now required by law to follow necessary social distancing measures to slow the spread of coronavirus.
NHS Highland has agreed to a comprehensive programme of compensation and support for victims of bullying.
An additional 1.5 million protective respirators have been brought back into use despite recently passing their expiry date.
Cabinet Secretary Michael Gove said 708 new deaths from coronavirus showed the importance of maintaining social distancing and lockdown measures.
The board medical director Dr Boyd Peters is encouraging people to adhere to guidance, saying it helps stop the spread of Covid-19
This follows similar goals stated by UK health minister Matt Hancock who wants 100,000 tests a day
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has spoken about the emotional impact that Covid-19 has had on her.
The £60m agency is charged with reforming the approach to the nation’s main public health challenges