Councillors were split amid concerns about the size of the outlet but the casting vote went to planning chairman.
Local Councillors David Fraser and Chris Ballance called for it to be rejected planning over inappropriate siting.
Nairn’s Provost wants to see the break-up of Highland Council in a bid to “bring back local democracy to Nairn”.
That is despite a large increase in Scottish Government funding announced in the draft budget.
Council leader Raymond Bremner will be put on the spot with estimates putting the final tally at hundreds of thousands of pounds.
Tourism groups welcome the move saying if it is ‘well-implemented’ it could ‘bring significant benefits to our region’.
The move to ‘better serve’ the north follows Kate Forbes’ call to dismantle the local authority.
Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton called on First Minister John Swinney for action.
John Swinney was asked to meet them ‘in the hope that the killer of their husband and father will finally be brought to justice’.
A planning meeting next week will decide whether or not east Inverness gets the new outlet.
The development received broad support with around 40 jobs expected to be created.
More cash will come north but the jury is out on whether finance secretary Shona Robison delivered for the north.
Lord Lovat and Kapka Kassabova are among 41 others against but Highland Council recommends approval.
Fergus Ewing says recent NI hikes risk the service that offers patients dignity and saves the NHS millions.
Freedom of Information requests discovered the sums the council has received from developers, the total spent, as well as where it was spent.
One of them was told to attend a meeting for an interview with council investigators ‘under caution’.
He was inspired by Fiona Hawthorne who like him survived a brain tumour.
Leading Lib Dems have confidence in a Highland revival as Councillor Andrew Baxter got 58 per cent of the vote.
The bureaucratic blunder emerged because the local authority was not checking ‘to confirm the existence of its staff’.
A £2.36m project to build 8 bungalows got the go ahead and it should take 12 months to complete.