He wants VisitScotland to reverse its decision to close tourist information centres due to its ‘digital first’ strategy.
The five new bosses will work in areas like education, care, housing, property and health and social care.
Opposition leader Alasdair Christie says: “The question must be asked: What damage or impact is it having on our children’s education?”
The council will seek to overturn Lord Sandison’s verdict that the plan was ‘predicated on’ an ‘unlawful consultation’
He is the third member to leave the Conservative group at Highland Council since the 2022 election.
Barrow Campsite’s Ewan McConachie warns that the council’s campervan scheme will ‘have a direct detrimental effect on my future business’.
So far 342 facilities have been screened producing a shortlist of the 40 worst performing buildings for carbon emissions.
Angus MacDonald overcame Drew Hendry in July’s general election increasing his party’s vote share by more than 22 per cent.
Edward Mountain says ‘Going into competition with these businesses is madness’.
Options include the Kingsmills Hotel and a proposed street party but it is likely some revenue will go elsewhere in the Highlands.
Highland Council upheld complaints concerning two other members of staff, one of whom was described as ‘hostile’ to the teenager.
Critics of the event say it is now time to reassess it and possibly even cancel it permanently.
While ‘there are several significant shortcomings’ in the council’s economic analysis that are ‘largely directly traceable’ to the local authority.
A review of the available evidence found that it failed to include potential downsides and consulate businesses properly.
A new assessment shows there were ‘weaknesses in the overall approach’ like ‘only assessing one option’.
Biffa says it is working to ‘address the missed collections’ and ensure ‘the service isn’t impacted in the future’.
The club suspended negotiations after the arrival of Orion Group chairman Alan Savage.
Fiona Hyslop was speaking after the Scottish Government put in place ‘emergency controls’ on spending.
Contractor Biffa is now suing the Scottish Government for £200 million over the aborted proposal
The masterplan allows for 416 properties but some are concerned about the pressure on schools and medical services.