ROUGHLY one-in-seven council houses tested in the Highlands for cancer-causing radon gas had levels exceeding action levels, the council has revealed.
A HOTEL in Nairn once used by film star Charlie Chaplin as a base for family holidays has been put up for sale.
ARCHITECTS have been commissioned to draw up designs for a new-look Inverness Railway Station as part of a planned £2million revamp.
MORE than 50 jobs could be created if plans for a world class second golf course at the Castle Stuart Golf Links go ahead.
TWO-lane traffic will return to Academy Street in Inverness next week, Highland Council has confirmed.
BELLADRUM Tartan Heart Festival organisers will open car parks and camping areas three hours earlier next year in a bid to avoid the traffic congestion…
CYCLISTS who tackled the Etape Loch Ness race this year brought a cash windfall of almost £750,000 to the area, an independent report has revealed.
SCOTRAIL has launched a recruitment drive that will create up to 100 new train driver jobs, with some expected to be based in Inverness.
PLANS for a £13m revamp of Inverness Retail Park which could create up to 180 jobs have been lodged with Highland Council.
BUS services in Inverness are likely to face severe disruption when roadworks get underway on General Booth Road next week, Stagecoach has warned.
PLANS for the major revamp of rugby pitches at Canal Park as part of the controversial £55m Inverness West Link road have been approved by…
POLICE in Inverness have re-issued images of a man they want to trace following an assault on a man in Hootananny earlier this summer.
A GROUP of travellers who had set up camp on land outside Inverness Caledonian Thistle's Inverness stadium have moved on after a court order was issued…
A £2.5 million economic boost is expected when the World Orienteering Championships get under way this weekend, Highland Council believes.
PLANS to create a new railway station at Dalcross have taken an important step forward.
POLICE patrols have been increased in Drumnadrochit following the theft of thousands of pounds from three businesses.
A BY-election to fill former council leader Drew Hendry’s vacant Aird and Loch Ness ward seat will be held in October.
LOCH Ness, Urquhart Castle and Glen Affric’s Hollywood connections all feature on a new movie map promoting the region to tourists.
RESCUERS were scrambled to a cliff side on the Black Isle after two teens got cut off by the rising tide.
A MOUTHWATERING clash with West Ham could await if Caley Thistle defeat Astra Giurgiu in the Europa League second qualifying round.