There is a strong international feel to the spooky goings-on as the islands are transformed into a gateway to the Underworld.
A LOCAL historian has praised the work by a Nairn stonemason to the outside of the chapel at the Royal Northern Infrmary which has restored one of Inverness’s…
Marine House in Rosemarkie is a landmark feature which has recently been converted into luxurious apartments.
A MOVE to have private house rents capped in Inverness will be considered next week following claims of “extortionate” sums being charged.
A Court of Session judge yesterday upheld Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s decision to deport Russell and Ellen Felber who have invested more than £300,000…
Ross County Football Club has scored again with cancer charity Maggie’s Highland.
A Highland teacher has just launched a book recounting her struggle to raise her disabled daughter and to ensure that she can live independently as an…
SPECIAL events are being held this weekend to mark the centenary of the death of one of Inverness’s most unusual adopted sons, Ambrose Salvona,…
The Inca city of Machu Picchu, 8000ft up in the Andes, is the target for Blythswood worker Danny Muschate, his wife Morag and their son James McGillivray.
TWO new major multimillion-pound hotel developments are being planned for Inverness city centre, the Courier can exclusively reveal.
A WEIGHTLIFTING granny who fought back to health after suffering a life-threatening stroke, has won four gold medals in an international competition.
A nine-month-old tot has helped raise more than £1000 in memory of the granny she has never seen.
Some 29 staff are about to flit back to Inverness Town House following its major refurbishment.
AN Inverness landlady is begging Highland Council to take action against a group of noisy neighbours that have set up home in the community.
THERE is a limited number of places left for the Baxters Loch Ness Marathon and Festival of Running, but anyone hoping to qualify had better get their…
TOUGH action is promised against Caley Thistle yobs who disgraced the football club at last Saturday’s away game against Brechin.
THERE was a furious reaction to the closure of Inverness’s troubled new flagship secondary school this week after the building was flooded when…
HIGHLAND Council is in the embarrassing situation of having to apply to itself to erect signs that are already in place at Inverness Castle.
A YOUNG Inverness woman who uses an electric wheelchair quizzed a government minister on why it appears new social housing is being built in Inverness…
Police in Inverness are investigating the death of a 78-year-old man inside his home in the city.