Tomnahurich Bridge in Inverness has been closed for 10 days, but is set to reopen in the coming days.
The Highland Business Awards is an opportunity to recognise the diversity, strength and innovation of every type of business across the region
When I applied to join the board of NHS Highland I wasn’t sure quite what to expect – and I wasn’t sure if they would be looking for people like me.
As well as storing official records the Highland Archive Centre also has collections discovered by chance, and these can present a puzzle.
Susie McCabe, will be joining Scottish Council for Development and Industry (SCDI) at the Highlands and Islands Business Excellence Awards.
Macleod & MacCallum are here to help or advise with marketing or selling your property
Mikeysline is the official charity partner of Belladrum
In the dynamic world of business, finding and hiring the right talent is crucial for success, says our columnist.
Making Space for Nature by Paul Castle
Fear and stigma are all too often burdens that our LGBTQ+ communities experience, says our columnist.
As the longest road in Scotland, the A9 is our nation’s backbone
As a Ukrainian refugee in Inverness, violinist Halyna Toran lives with a phone in her hand as she waits for the latest news.
Each hospital – if indeed there was one locally – had its own restricted admission criteria, says our columnists.
Jill Paton-Mackenzie, who was born and bred in Inverness, has joined 57 North Financial Planning, which is based at the Green House in the city.
Laura Petrie and Marc Penman from Brodies LLP discuss the Green Freeport.
As Inverness was then much smaller, the valuation roll is only made up of the wards: Merkinch, Muirtown, Park, Southside, Crown, Central and Harbour.
The Highlands and Islands Medical Service was established as the world’s first state-funded comprehensive health service, says our columnist.
Executive columnist Emma Mitchell gives her top tips on how to scale-up your business.
Introducing the concept of saving to your child at an early age is a great way to encourage smart money habits before they become an adult.
We are keen that individuals don’t ignore their invitations to take part in cervical screening, says our columnist.