In our new Making Space for Nature column, High Life Highland countryside ranger Marcia O’Hara explains how to look after your garden birds
Does your business have a challenge it needs to address? Well, Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) has the answer for you.
The LIFT scheme provides funding to help eligible applicants across Scotland to purchase a home on the market in an area of their choosing.
Eyeing up a possible career in the health sector? Crawford Howat describes how his NHS career grew from assistant cook to Raigmore facilities manager.
Lochaber Chamber of Commerce, SkyeConnect and Inverness Chamber of Commerce will combine to host a series of Entrepreneurial Masterclasses
Not to be confused with Millburn Roundhouse, the Lochgorm Locomotive Works were established by the Inverness and Nairn Railway in 1855.
Forty million people now read local news media in print and digital every month.
Our business magazine columnist Fiona Macintosh discusses why you need to invest in your employees wellbeing and health.
Beloved businessman who co-founded Tulloch Group passed away in December.
A change in the planned programme saw Mozart replace Dvorak
Passionate, professional and proud: that’s the Drumossie team. Could you be the person with the skills and energy to join them?
NHS Highland's Margaret Moss explores simple steps we can take to shake off the excesses of the recent festive season.
January's "New Year's resolution" season brings with it new beginnings and new possibilities.
You never know when life will throw you a curveball, but by planning ahead and taking regular advice, you can keep your finances on track.
Hillwalker and outdoor author John D Burns talks about the importance of maintaining strength as you age and how it helps keep him out in the hills
Last year was a bad one for the Highland economy and unfortunately I expect 2023 to be similar.
“I suppose this will be a busy time of the year for you, Rev?” Words ministers will hear from members of their congregations through December.
As ever, 2022 was busy at the Highland Archive Centre, with the site welcoming a wide array of visitors to its search room and family history centre.
What will 2023 hold for you? Patrick Arundell provides your horoscopes for the year ahead.
Advice on anger management – and dealing with warts.