If someone was visiting our area for the first time, what one thing would you want to tell them about the Highlands and its people?
John Dempster considers how dementia impacts on faith.
The Highland Archive Centre provides a look at some historic job applications.
Alexander Grant earned the nickname for his fighting skills long before 1746.
Vet Alison Laurie-Chalmers on how insurance can put your mind at rest.
For any business owner the threat of insolvency must be one of the most worrying situations they can face in their business career.
High streets across the country are opening up again. But it is important it happens safely!
Bill McAllister on how a group of Jacobite fighters were transported halfway around the world after they proved too trusting.
“I give thanks for God’s gift of the journey”
Confident and relaxed shoppers are returning to the city centre, says Inverness BID's Mike Smith
There are so many similarities between helping someone nurture and grow their business and bringing up a family.
AS we all tentatively move towards an easing of the lockdown many of us have an eye on the future, writes Dr Nick Barnes.
Inverness vet Alison Laurie-Chalmers outlines the importance of the role of the veterinary nursing profession.
We have known again the coming of this season of rebirth after a hard, dark winter says John Dempster.
MP Drew Hendry says 'the overwhelming impression I got from them was of passion and positivity'
Exactly 175 years ago last week, he ordered his cannon to be positioned beneath a hawthorn tree and rained artillery fire down on Inverness Castle.
Lil was a rescued one-year-old, long-haired tabby cat who had already had a couple of litters.
THE pharmacy profession can play an important role in supporting the mental health and wellbeing of the nation and has the potential to do much more.
Understanding and awareness can be key to helping deaf people navigate the added difficulties of life in a pandemic
Most of the community groups Becky Wilson has previously been involved with have been campaigning against something.