Harry Gow’s passion for baking and community will leave a lasting legacy.
Police are investigating the incident that happened today.
Traffic Scotland says: “Motorists are advised to use an alternate route at this time.”
“By Christmas we’ll have handed out our 2500th care package,” says founder of Highland Action for Little Ones (HALO).
It is understood there was an incident earlier this morning.
They belonged to the council officer who gathered the signatures of members of the British cabinet when it was held in Inverness in 1921.
Kirkwood Homes believes the development would help the local authority address its so-called ‘Highland Housing Challenge’.
The annual event generates cash for the Highland Hospice and Inverness Ice Centre, which organise and host the event.
Live life to the best that you can and don’t let cancer rule is the clear message from a group of inspirational ladies.
Highland Council officials used delegated powers to refuse an application which was submitted two-and-a-half years ago.
Dobbies staff in Inverness in line to lose their jobs have been assured alternative roles will be available for them with supermarket giant Tesco.
The work was supposed to take place between Longman Roundabout and Raigmore Interchange.
The work will take place between Longman Roundabout and Raigmore Interchange - including lane closures.
“Breaking up Highland Council isn’t about creating division - it’s about building empowerment,” says a leading councillor.
“Seeing the photographs during a funeral can be very moving, as you see the person as they were during their life.”
Some 77 people took part in the annual Elf Run in aid of Maggie’s Highlands.
Residents told councillors of “crumbling” roads and a “public safety concern”.
The gym, studios and sports court will also be closed for five days over the festive period.
“As a business, the footfall at this time of year and the income that it generates it vital to our sustainability,” says theatre boss.
They decided to do the fun calendar with the motive of highlighting positive body image.