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Team Hamish delighted to receive King’s Award for efforts to create social spaces in Nairn

(front, left to right) Team Hamish, Team Hamish Sam and Lily Hey, Danny and Liz Bow with Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, Mr George Asher and some of the Nairn Community. Picture: Callum Mackay.
(front, left to right) Team Hamish, Team Hamish Sam and Lily Hey, Danny and Liz Bow with Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, Mr George Asher and some of the Nairn Community. Picture: Callum Mackay.

A charity has received the royal seal of approval for its work in regenerating a key part of the Nairn landscape.

Team Hamish and supporters gathered at the splashpad on Nairn Links at the weekend to receive the King’s Award for Voluntary Service from Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, George Asher.

The award, which was announced in November 2023, is the first King’s Award to be presented within the Nairn community.

Sam Hey said he was delighted to receive the award.

Sam Hey receiving the award. Picture: Callum Mackay.
Sam Hey receiving the award. Picture: Callum Mackay.

Father of Hamish Hey who tragically passed away in 2017 – sadly followed by mum Susan in 2020 – and in whose memory the charity was established, it is through his inspiration that a host of fundraising work has been carried out by the family and friends he left behind.

Sharing his delight on Facebook Mr Hey said: “We, as a community in both Nairn and far afield, are TeamHamish, and this award is because of your continued love, support and your belief in our TeamHamish Vision for Nairn.

Florence and Holly Henderson having fun in the splashpad. Picture: Callum Mackay.
Florence and Holly Henderson having fun in the splashpad. Picture: Callum Mackay.

“It has been such an amazing journey, and our TeamHamish achievements are all down to your boundless kindness and hard work, fundraising events, and your countless generous donations, all of which have contributed to making our vision become a reality.

“It fills me with such pride at what we, as a community, have been able to achieve together. This all means so much to us, and for that I want to thank you all.

“We have created a truly tremendous legacy for our precious and dearly missed wee boy Hamish, and his beautiful mum Susan.”

Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, Mr George Asher. Picture: Callum Mackay.
Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire, Mr George Asher. Picture: Callum Mackay.

Lord Lieutenant of Nairnshire George Asher said: “Team Hamish were one of 260 organisations to receive the award, which is the first instalment of the Kings’ awards.

“This is like an MBE for voluntary organisations, and it’s very hard to get, so they have done a great job to achieve this.

“Team Hamish really have captured the hearts and minds of many people in Nairn.

“They have raised so much funding and have put this back into community facilities, which are great for all ages and abilities. It’s something we are very grateful for.

Liz Bow with the award. Picture: Callum Mackay.
Liz Bow with the award. Picture: Callum Mackay.

“It’s been fantastic. The Links area of Nairn has been regenerated by the vibrant splashpad, which is greatly enjoyed by visitors and locals alike.”

Team Hamish is currently working on plans for a new social gathering area, for which they were granted planning permission last summer.

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