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NHS whistleblowers set to make new statement

By Scott Maclennan

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WHISTLEBLOWERS who plunged NHS Highland into crisis over allegations of systemic bullying are set to make their first major public statement since the publication of their original open letter last month.

NHS Highland
NHS Highland

Together with the GMB union the four clinicians at the centre of the allegations are expected to speak at a press conference this afternoon which could also hear from more alleged victims of bullying.

Ahead of the press call GMB regional organiser Liz Gordon revealed the allegations have now widened.

"This has now gone beyond the four clinicians – others have stepped forward with concerns," she said.

"Several patient care organisations have been in touch and specific concerns have certainly been raised by multiple parties."

She added: "We will continue to support our members, collate testimonials and press for an independent inquiry."

In his latest response to the ongoing crisis NHS Highland chairman David Alston said: "We take this extremely seriously, not least because we fully recognise the current situation has resulted in an unsettling and upsetting time for all.

"This damaging set of allegations has cast a very dark shadow over the reputation of the board. Therefore it is in nobody’s interest for this not to be tackled urgently, respectfully and comprehensively."

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